
Numbers 1–20: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Numbers—from the numbering or census of the people in the opening chapters—is a much-neglected part of the Torah, the five books of Moses, which constitutes the heart of Holy Scriptures for Jews, while also forming an integral part of the Bible for Christians. The book of Numbers is an account of the young would-be nation of Israel’s wanderings in the Wilderness after the magnificent...

In anticipation of that discussion, the review of content will proceed here. As background to a source-critical discussion of Numbers, we should show how this method would work for Exod 15:22–40:38, those sections of Exodus which cover the earliest phase of the wilderness period. In Exodus we observe how a core of relatively early material, collected by the writers of JE, was elaborated by the priestly school. If all we possessed were the nonpriestly texts
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